Quickly, grab the key of communication and unlock the door of your
heart and welcome Jesus in your home. Don't worry about the mess or
what your going to feed Him, because He will cook and clean for you!
In fact "..if I wash thee not, then though has no part with me." John
13:8 "I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice let him
open up to me and I will come in and sup with him." Revelation 3:20
Dear Lord of Hosts, great is thy faithfulness toward us and tender are
thy mercies. Your so gentle or rather by reason of darkness we don't
notice you or acknowledge you as we should. Please forgive us for all
of our sins for thy namesake. And create in us a clean heart and grant
us a hunger and thirst for your word. We love you and hope to show
it.. In Jesus name we pray and thank you. Amen

- Ambassadors for Christ
- The Ambassadors for Christ is a human division of the armies of the living God. We are they who have answered the call and who are now seeking the Kingdom of God in earth, as it is in Heaven. We strive to allow the Spirit of the Living God, the Holy Spirit, to perform demonstrations of His power through Christ in us. Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance are the fruits that He provides us to help feed a world full of hungry souls starving for present truth. It is for His namesake that we live in order to reveal His glory to mankind, in the hope that all will believe and surrender their lives to our savior, Jesus Christ. All praise, honor, and glory to our faithful commander and redeemer who always was, is now, and shall be forever.
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Ask,Seek,& Knock