Dear Ambassador for Christ,
As you very well know the second coming of Christ is not far off. As Christians we believe in Jesus, the Son of God, who humbled himself and came to earth as man, even in the flesh, and endured the pain of death, even death on a cross to die for the sins of humanity, including ours. We have enjoyed the peace and favor of God in our lives and having the assurance of our Salvation in Jesus Christ, especially in our generation, even greater in America. Blessings come to us in numerous ways (physical, financial, relational, etc.) and we seem to have everything we could ever want, but something is missing. We lack something very simple, what the early church (just after Jesus resurrected) called unity. It was through unity that early church received the spiritual blessing of the Holy Spirit. Not a vain unity in which they compromised their beliefs in Christ for the sake of peace, but a unity in spirit and in Truth; in agreement that Jesus is the word made flesh and that He had all authority over them. Even as the church of the Antioch, whom Paul witnessed to, diligently searched the scriptures together to understand the mystery of Christ in their day, so we must do likewise. "And it came about that for an entire year they met with the church, and taught considerable numbers; and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch." Acts 11:26
For this reason, we should now shift from being a Christian, a believer of Christ, to a Disciple, a follower of Christ. We must take our Christianity to the next level and begin to follow Spirit wherever He leads us. When someone takes our tunic, we should give them our cloak; when someone slaps us on the right cheek, we should turn to the left. We must stand for Jesus as He stood for us and despise shame, bearing our crosses even until death. To be quite honest, it is hard for anyone to endure divers trials such as these, but we must make a choice to obey the commandments of God. Consider taking a cold shower; it is extremely tuff to do it, but if you go through with it, you step out of the shower with a warm sensation. In the same way, when we choose to obey God and not our natural inclination (flesh) then He will pour out the promised Holy Spirit upon us so that we can overcome. If we don't drink the cup of suffering, then what part do we have in the joy? Being an ambassador for Christ doesn't mean we need to go protest abortions or condemn homosexuals for their sins, but it does mean that we let them know that there is a better way and His name is Jesus and He loves them. We must take a stand for Jesus at work and at Wal-mart and everywhere we go in this world we must ask the Lord, who is always with us and who will never leave us or forsake us, what can we do for you? We have to make ourselves available for the Lord to use us wherever we are, and we have to be intentional about it, sensitive and alert to His instruction, even to be led by the Spirit. "Because those led by the Spirit are sons of God." Romans 8:14 As sons of God It is our responsibility to God and to mankind to spread the gospel of Christ to every human being on this planet. We may not be able to go overseas on a mission trip, but we can do our part right here in our own backyard. As a Praise Report ambassador for Christ you will gain a deeper sense of Christ's presence in your life as you actively seek the Kingdom of God on earth. Using the Praise Report mini-magazine and other explosive witnessing tools you will be able to communicate with others that Jesus loves them very much. Not that you need the Praise Report to tell someone that, but as a formal ice-breaker it allows you to present the magazine and spark up a conversation about Jesus. "The liberal soul shall be made fat, he that watereth, him also shall be watered." Proverbs 11:25
As you continue to plant and water these seeds of righteousness you will see God work in mysterious ways as your divine appointments increase and you will realize that there are no coincidences! You will find joy and satisfaction in serving the Lord as He leads you and you will grow in spirit and in truth!
For we all very well know that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Nehemiah 8:10 , but not many believe it. Each ambassador will encouraged to put God first in their lives by seeking Him through His word and prayer daily and strive to put biblical truths into practice that we might have living faith because, Faith without works is dead. -James 2:20 This will fill you with God's presence, knowledge, and power through the Holy Spirit.
and visit the Ambassador Registration page to enlist for service! There are much more exciting things to look forward to on your journey as an Ambassador for Christ and we hope and pray that you hear the words that will complete your joy upon the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant….Come and share your master's happiness."
Matthew 25:23
The Praise Report
Ambassadors for Christ
Holy Ghost