- Ambassadors for Christ
- The Ambassadors for Christ is a human division of the armies of the living God. We are they who have answered the call and who are now seeking the Kingdom of God in earth, as it is in Heaven. We strive to allow the Spirit of the Living God, the Holy Spirit, to perform demonstrations of His power through Christ in us. Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance are the fruits that He provides us to help feed a world full of hungry souls starving for present truth. It is for His namesake that we live in order to reveal His glory to mankind, in the hope that all will believe and surrender their lives to our savior, Jesus Christ. All praise, honor, and glory to our faithful commander and redeemer who always was, is now, and shall be forever.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Pray without ceasing. The enemy is going to offer you the world in a hand basket, but he's not gonna tell you that the expiration date is almost up. Make you decision no matter where your at to Choose Christ. Many are called, few are chosen. The difference is is that the chosen choose Christ. Your a king in Christ, reedem your inhertance. Don't sell your birthright for a bowl of green bean$. God is real and for real about what He says in Mark 10:28-31 Read that!!
The first step that you should make before you start your day should be to bend your knees and thank God for giving you another day and to spend time in His word getting to know Him a little better. Jesus is our savior, not our religon. "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul. and with all thy mind. Matthew 22:3 Dear Father in Heaven, thank you for grace, mercy and your love. Forgive us for our short commings and failures in being obedient to you, we plead the blood of Jesus over our lives! Teach us Lord what it means to love and show us the difference between your love and the worlds love. We bless your name! We ask and thank you in Jesus name. Amen.
What is mystery among the Gentiles? Christ in you, the hope of glory! Colossians 1:27
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13 In order for Christ to get strong in you, you must feed Him! "Man can not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4 Feed Him today. This is not a cute, inventive, philosophical, catchy connection.. It's the truth!!!! Eat and Live!!
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13 In order for Christ to get strong in you, you must feed Him! "Man can not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4 Feed Him today. This is not a cute, inventive, philosophical, catchy connection.. It's the truth!!!! Eat and Live!!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Brother, don't let the devil beat you up NO MORE! Big brother Jesus says " Desire the sincere milk of the world of God that you may grow." 1 Peter 2:2
Jesus gave me this formula for babes in Christ just like you and I.
Pray for understanding b4 you read.
God"s goodness formula:
Galatians 3:6-8 + Psalm 107:17-20 + Joel 2:32 = instant relief! Thank You Jesus!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Read Ezekiel 37:1-14. We all a valley of dry bones in our lives. These can be things we think are impossible to fix or situations that will never be resolved. The Lord told Ezekiel to, "Prophesy to the dry bones. Tell these dry bones to listen to the word of the Lord. Tell them that I, the Sovereign Lord, am saying to them: I am going to put breath into you and bring you back to life. I will give you sinews and muscles, and cover you with skin. I will put breath into you and bring you back to life." (v 4-6) Claim this promise in your life over YOUR valley of dry bones. Don't, however be satisfied with dead bodies. Claim Eze 37:9 over your dead bodies. When your bodies have come to life ask God to use this army to accomplish His work
Monday, April 11, 2011
Everything's A Little Blurry
I have spent a lot of time thinking mostly about the future. For a long time I have had a plan in my mind about how my future was going to work out. As you who are older and/or wiser than me know, “the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.” This has been a hard experience but it has also been a very healthy one.
It was good to step back and take a look at life after the future I thought was so certain, vanished. I realized that God was simply a part of my plan and that ultimately I was still living life for myself. I wanted to live out my life how I had planned it and I essentially told God that He could come along for the ride, because I wanted some of Him in my life. I realized though that it’s not my party, it’s Gods and He is fully in control of every situation.
Everything's A Little Blurry... By Brandon Peters
A thousand times I have made idols out of anything and everything in my life and a thousand times they have failed me. Every time I turn away from God, I mock His power; yet every time He welcomes me with open arms when my ways fail. I’m so undeserving of His grace but He sent His son to take the brutal punishment for my stupidity. I am an undeserving wretch yet the Creator of the Heavens and the earth loves me more than I will ever imagine.
I now realize that I am not in control, God is and He has a bigger and better plan for me than I could ever imagine. I am fully going to devote the rest of my days to His purpose and plan. I don’t know where that will take me or what that will look like, but that’s okay. I have been trying to figure out what a true Christian life looks like in today’s culture, I know at its core it involves sharing the love of Christ to those around me and making more disciples to do the same.
I think that we all feel like the Church has lost some of its effectiveness and we feel safe and comfortable because we can support ourselves. We don’t need God in order to get our next meal and we have stored up resources to provide after we retire. Instead of whining and complaining about “the system” it’s up to each one of us to truly make a difference, to live fully devoted to God.
What does that look like in our safe North American culture? Perhaps downsizing your house so that you can give the money to those who really need it. Maybe it means quitting your high-paying job to go do missions overseas. I know that these ideas make us feel so uncomfortable and right now you’re probably thinking of a million excuses as to why you need what you have. The hard truth is when you die you will have to face up to your actions.
God will ask you what you did with the resources (time, money, etc) He gave you and you will have to give Him an answer. Is a lukewarm Christian saved? Read Revelation 3:14-22 and decide for yourself. I know that there are many verses that guarantee salvation but that is only to those who are true believers, what does the life of a true believer look like? Just some things to think about…
The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
It was good to step back and take a look at life after the future I thought was so certain, vanished. I realized that God was simply a part of my plan and that ultimately I was still living life for myself. I wanted to live out my life how I had planned it and I essentially told God that He could come along for the ride, because I wanted some of Him in my life. I realized though that it’s not my party, it’s Gods and He is fully in control of every situation.
Everything's A Little Blurry... By Brandon Peters
A thousand times I have made idols out of anything and everything in my life and a thousand times they have failed me. Every time I turn away from God, I mock His power; yet every time He welcomes me with open arms when my ways fail. I’m so undeserving of His grace but He sent His son to take the brutal punishment for my stupidity. I am an undeserving wretch yet the Creator of the Heavens and the earth loves me more than I will ever imagine.
I now realize that I am not in control, God is and He has a bigger and better plan for me than I could ever imagine. I am fully going to devote the rest of my days to His purpose and plan. I don’t know where that will take me or what that will look like, but that’s okay. I have been trying to figure out what a true Christian life looks like in today’s culture, I know at its core it involves sharing the love of Christ to those around me and making more disciples to do the same.
I think that we all feel like the Church has lost some of its effectiveness and we feel safe and comfortable because we can support ourselves. We don’t need God in order to get our next meal and we have stored up resources to provide after we retire. Instead of whining and complaining about “the system” it’s up to each one of us to truly make a difference, to live fully devoted to God.
What does that look like in our safe North American culture? Perhaps downsizing your house so that you can give the money to those who really need it. Maybe it means quitting your high-paying job to go do missions overseas. I know that these ideas make us feel so uncomfortable and right now you’re probably thinking of a million excuses as to why you need what you have. The hard truth is when you die you will have to face up to your actions.
God will ask you what you did with the resources (time, money, etc) He gave you and you will have to give Him an answer. Is a lukewarm Christian saved? Read Revelation 3:14-22 and decide for yourself. I know that there are many verses that guarantee salvation but that is only to those who are true believers, what does the life of a true believer look like? Just some things to think about…
The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Add to Temperance, Patience
Let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James 1:4
"And to knowledge, temperance." This is the third step in the path toward perfection of character. On every side there is indulgence and dissipation, and the result is degeneration and corruption. The inhabitants of our earth are depreciating in mental, moral, and physical power, because of the intemperate habits of society. Appetite, passion, and love of display are carrying the multitudes into the greatest excesses and extravagance. . . . The people of God must take an opposite course from the world. They must take up the warfare against these sinful practices, deny appetite, and keep the lower nature in subjection. . . . It is for us to "search the Scriptures," and bring our habits into harmony with the instruction of the Bible. . . .
"And to temperance, patience." The need of becoming temperate is made manifest as we try to take this step. It is next to an impossibility for an intemperate person to be patient.
Some of us have a nervous temperament, and are naturally as quick as a flash to think and to act; but let no one think that he cannot learn to become patient. Patience is a plant that will make rapid growth if carefully cultivated. By becoming thoroughly acquainted with ourselves, and then combining with the grace of God a firm determination on our part, we may be conquerors, and become perfect in all things, wanting in nothing.
Patience pours the balm of peace and love into the experiences of the home life. . . . Patience will seek for unity in the church, in the family, and in the community. This grace must be woven into our lives.
"And to knowledge, temperance." This is the third step in the path toward perfection of character. On every side there is indulgence and dissipation, and the result is degeneration and corruption. The inhabitants of our earth are depreciating in mental, moral, and physical power, because of the intemperate habits of society. Appetite, passion, and love of display are carrying the multitudes into the greatest excesses and extravagance. . . . The people of God must take an opposite course from the world. They must take up the warfare against these sinful practices, deny appetite, and keep the lower nature in subjection. . . . It is for us to "search the Scriptures," and bring our habits into harmony with the instruction of the Bible. . . .
"And to temperance, patience." The need of becoming temperate is made manifest as we try to take this step. It is next to an impossibility for an intemperate person to be patient.
Some of us have a nervous temperament, and are naturally as quick as a flash to think and to act; but let no one think that he cannot learn to become patient. Patience is a plant that will make rapid growth if carefully cultivated. By becoming thoroughly acquainted with ourselves, and then combining with the grace of God a firm determination on our part, we may be conquerors, and become perfect in all things, wanting in nothing.
Patience pours the balm of peace and love into the experiences of the home life. . . . Patience will seek for unity in the church, in the family, and in the community. This grace must be woven into our lives.
Friday, April 1, 2011
My yoke is light and my burden is easy says the Lord." You don't need to think, you just have to obey my voice. Thinking is wearisome and you will be mislead by your carnal mind which is emnity against me. Trust in the mercy of God and lean not unto your own understanding. Simply acknowledge me in all your ways and I shall direct your paths, even the paths of your thoughts, even every synapsis! It is not in mans spirit to direct his own path. This leads to much folly and leasing of speech. I will correct you in the right way. Ask me to show you the old paths! I'm on my way!!!
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